Thursday, April 7, 2011


The best way to be successful with your exercise regime is to plan a time you will do it.  You must plan it by the week, so you know the next few days when you MUST do it!  I pick, and have picked the same times for the last three years.  It makes it a JOB, something I can't be late for, something I can't change.  Make sure not to pick a time you know is impossible.  A lot of people would say, easy after work will be good.  WRONG!!!  You have to make dinner, get things done around the house, etc, etc...

Maybe  a few hours after you get home might work.  Maybe in the morning when you are off work.  If you are only off on weekends then that is when it will have to be.  But you will have to find one block of time on two other eveningss during the week to complete the total weekly workout.

It is a commitment as I said in commandment 5, you need to make it or simply give up now!

No you don't want to give up, you want to succeed and you will...So let's do it NOW

I want to be in great shape!!!

I want to look my Best!!!!

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